Fotografije sa zadnje Batine utakmice u dresu Partizana snimio je i Batinom sajtu poklonio Djordje Karan. Velika hvala na ljubaznosti.
- Pictures taken during Bata's last match in Partizan jersey were taken by Djordje Karan, who was very kind to share them with Bata's fans.

Bata daje gol iz penala.
- Bata scoring from a penalty kick.

Bata drzi pehar sampiona.
- Bata holding the trophy.

Champions 1995/96.
- Sampioni 1995/96.

Partizan celebrating the title with fans.
- Partizan slavi titulu sa svojim jugom.

Bata sa saigracima i vodjom navijaca.
- Bata with teammates and the leader of fans.

Zoran Bata Mirkovic's official website
All rights reserved